Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Tucker and I thought it would be a good idea to get some more food storage. So we took a drive over to the cannery. We weren't going to do any canning, we were just gonna buy some food that was already canned. But as it turns out, not everything comes pre-canned. So we got lucky and a station was open. So we canned out goods.

For those of you who have never canned before, like Tucker and I, this is how its done.
You first grab 6 cans.

Then you place them in this white bucket

Open your product,

Then pour your product.

As you can see they are not all filled to the top and not even close to even, so....

You give them a little shake to pack the "goods" down as far as it will go. Then... top them all off.

Next, you move them over to the table....

and place the oxygen absorber thingy in with your product.Then you place your lid on top.

And place the can on this contraption, like so.

You then proceed to push the lever over to start the spinning

Then you remove the can after it has finished spinning and magically the lid is sealed onto the can.
After you have sealed your cans, you label the can with the correct label, in this case it is Flour.
You then place the finished cans in a nice box, with a couple white lids.

This is what we canned that day. We also bought spaghetti and pancake mix. Which you don't have to can. We canned sugar, flour, milk, and refried beans. It was pretty fun and really quite easy. I would recommend it to everyone.

This is what McKenna did while we canned. She is such a good sport!! Thats why I love her!

1 comment:

Steven and Kimberly said...

That is so cool! I've never heard of a place like that! Well, except my kitchen.