Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Jumping and snot

We got McKenna this jumper and she loves it! She will stay in there for about an hour before she wants to get out.

After about a week of having this, Mckenna was jumping, Smalls and I were sitting on the couch. Suddenly Smalls jumps off the couch and goes over to McKenna and starts licking the floor. I go over and take a look and guess what?? McKenna had pooped out of her diaper on to the floor and Smalls was licking it off the floor!!

Tucker quickly grabbed smalls and washed her mouth out with water(I thought that was pretty funny) and I grabbed the camera! McKenna didn't know what was going on and was quite happy to be jumping. The poo was all in between her toes and all over her feet. It was quite the experience. She did end up getting a bath after that one!!

McKenna experienced her first cold. I don't think she liked it very much. It is still going on, but has gotten much better. She hates it when I pull out the greenish blue sucker to suck out her nose and she hates it when I wipe her nose. She also hasn't been sleeping well because she couldn't breath at night. It was just a fun and joyful experience ;) I'm glad she is getting better day by day.


Elisha said...

That is gross!!! hehe She looks pretty happy in her jumper. Very cute. She is getting so big I can't believe it!! Love you.

Elisha said...

You did a lot of posts today. :) Love all the pics. She is getting so big. Love the one of Mckenna on the shoe.

Steven and Kimberly said...

That is gross! That's hilarious that Tucker's first thought was "Oh, no! Smalls!" When she's probably had lots of tastes of her own poop prior to this incident. Isn't that something you would do to your own kid, not a dog? :o)