Wednesday, April 8, 2009

McKenna is 7 Months..... 2 weeks ago

Another month has gone by, 7 Months old. I didn't really take any pictures in March. I will have to work on that. This is all I could dig up.

At 7 months McKenna can:
-Sit up like a champ
-Rolls all over in her crib at night
-love to play with her toys
-Is generally happy.
-Laughs more
-She can not say any words yet and has no teeth.
-wants to start crawling around.
-loves to eat. We have found that her favorite is sweet corn casserole. It actually smells pretty good. I havn't tried tasting it, and won't be trying.
-Love to jump
-She is a very sweet little girl
-Is trying to pull herself up on things.

Her little personality is starting to come out. Although she is very sweet and loving, she gets a little temper when her food is not there when she wants it. She also hates it when I wipe her face after eating. She will scream. It was cute, but now, not so much. I can't wait until she is a little older and can participate in holidays and fun activities, such as an Easter egg hunt. Its not fun when you can't walk. Her second year should be fun with Halloween, Christmas, and all the other fun holidays and activities.

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